Sally Ann Lynch Training Tried & Tested
Can’t fault these boards… ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT
Thank you so very much xxxxx
One of my best customers xxx
I already had Sally’s original boards which are still fabulous after loads of use, but I couldn’t resist buying her new faces too. The images are perfect for face paint designs and the quality of the boards are amazing. So easy to wipe off with a damp cloth. Perfect for practicing and for display. Well done for another perfect range Sally x
This product will prove invaluable for practicing or displaying your face paint designs.
Our full colour range boards are produced using real people and this makes them have the perfect dimensions for practicing your designs on.
You can choose from the real time faces or the digital versions.
This board is of the gorgeous Annabelle and she is a little girl who I have face painted and her Mummy and Daddy let me use her image in digital form. She is so lovely.
You can instantly wash the paints and off and start all over again.
Always paint on the correct side - this is the rougher side and not the printed side.
I have many videos on how to wash and what to use via my Facebook Business Page Sally-Ann Lynch Training Tried & Tested
Original Boards since 2015